Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter and a lot of different things...

We have been so busy lately! I guess when you have a toddler running around a million miles an hour, you are always busy! Hunter now has 2 more teeth which totals 6. He loves being outside, since it is finally starting to get warm. He now loves his 4-wheeler. We let him use it inside and he runs into the walls and tables. He knows how to make it go, but he just doesn't know how to steer yet. The terrible 2's have officially started at 1. He likes to get his way and when he doesn't he throws the temper tantrums. I'm really being hard on him though, he is a good kid. I put below some random pictures below of him.

Easter was fun. We woke up and let Hunter have his baskets. That's right, he had 2. Spoiled? No way! He had a sucker for breakfast as you see below and then while I was getting dressed, he got into his basket and the chocolate. After that, we went and had lunch with Dianne and her family, which has become our new family here. Then we came home and bbq dinner and Joelle, Trenton, Dallin, and her dad came over. There is a really cute picture of Dallin on Hunter's 4-wheeler. Enjoy the pictures...

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